Tuesday, February 9, 2010

imma star~~

wanna spazz on sataroooo and masaruuuu and shooo!! yes yes yes..watching Atashinchi no Danshi!! XDXD

sataroo...(BY SETO KOJI)
Seto Koji Pictures, Images and Photos
Seto Koji Pictures, Images and Photos
Seto Koji Pictures, Images and Photos
name : 瀬戸康史, Seto Kōji
date of birth : May 18, 1988
profession : Japanese actor and singer ( Koji was also the lead vocalist of the Band J-Rock Band TETRA-FANG)
Blood Type:A

* The lively and bright multitalent is nicknamed Setomaru (瀬戸丸) and one of the youngest members from the acting group D-BOYS.
* get his work here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koji_Seto

masaruuuu....(by YUSUKE YAMAMOTO)

name : 山本裕典, Yamamoto Yūsuke
date of birth : January 19, 1988
profession : actor
Height: 180cm
Star sign: Capricorn
Blood type: A

* get his filmwork at : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yusuke_Yamamoto

got both of 88 baby!! yay!! adding my 88 circle...XD

ah..yea, shoo..(BY OSAMU MUKAI)
mukai osamu Pictures, Images and Photos
Mukai Osamu Pictures, Images and Photos
name : 向井 理, むかい おさむ
date of birth : February 7, 1982
profession : actor

* more about him : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osamu_Mukai



Anonymous said...

thick lips man!!!

jOLyN said...

eh..excuse me..sexy lips..
aww seto koji, never mind..i will take revenge on ur behalf..